How society deals with some groups of people in need of help, a reflection of society itself
is is the treatment for the elderly, the needy, the children or the disabled is an indicator of whether and to what degree the society of solidarity and humanity, or whether the weak fall by the wayside.
orphans undoubtedly belong to this group. A lost child, the father, mother or both parents is, psychologically, socially and financially disadvantaged - almost always.
On the other hand checks Allah the people with the others: " He it is Who made you successors (on) the earth and the one of you raised the other to degrees, that He might with what he has given you, check. Surely, your Lord is quick in punishment, but He is also truly Forgiving, Merciful. "(Koran Sura 6 verse 165). The mentioned "ranks" can be different things, of course, physical and financial assets.
The fact that in our environment are not orphans and they are not visible does not mean that we are not with them "Tested" to be rich and they do not need our helping hand. We now have the opportunity to help orphans almost anywhere in the world.
orphans around the world to exploitation. They can easily be exploited as cheap labor, children in prostitution and trafficking. By war, violence and escape, especially children are affected. You are injured, traumatized and uprooted. Without protection and care of parents they often lack food, clothing, medical care, education and love.
Allah himself particularly the Muslim Ummah has entrusted to the orphans for all times (see eg Al-Maun). He left his last Messenger (s) grow up an orphan and thereby ensures that they experience (s) the fate of orphans in his own body. The Umma is therefore responsible for the protection and care of orphans in the world.
The sources of Islam and the information about the current status of orphans are notes and prompt enough to us to deal with this issue and to rush to the aid of the orphans.
orphans are tested with heavy, but Allah promises everyone who is steadfast in a severe test, great reward. And all of us to consider whether we help the orphans. The
Orphan Week is an occasion that we deal with this important issue to deal specifically and can help.
Rüştü Aslandur muslims help
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