begins there is usually a will of a deceased person. What the person then leaves really depends on what he already was before as a heritage, turned in his own life and his last before Death then remained in his possession. That is his legacy that finds its expression in a will.
This is the physical heritage. About money, valuables, houses and other property there after the death of the deceased among the heirs almost always armed, and leads to violence.
What had left the Prophet (PBUH)?
Our beloved Prophet (s) has left us drawn to the spiritual and non-material heritage, is significant and enduring. He (s) even put the priority on these spiritual things that are critical and which will be passed on from generation. The Prophet (PBUH) said: "I have left you two things, you will not go astray as long as you hold fast to them. The book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet "(Malik). The fact that the Prophet (s) generally no (substantive) heritage left he pressed (s) also loud and clear: "We (prophets) are not inherited ..." (Buhari)
What are we left ?
We, the followers of the Prophet Muhammad (s) should focus on the non-material things focused. Both for us and as a legacy for our children, relatives and the Ummah in general. We can again see the statements of the sandblasted Allah (s), what really has value and is consistent: "The father may his child no better legacy behind as a good education. "(Tirmizi) and" ... Verily, the scholars are heirs of the prophets and the prophets (the heirs) neither dinar nor leave dirhams, but they left (the heirs), the knowledge ... " (Abu Dawud). The Sadaqah al-Dscharija belongs to the category of intellectual heritage.
why it is respected by Allah, if one assumes the role of an educator and teacher for the people than that one to exhaustion and (self-) destruction only the material things in his life chasing. In such a case, the last heirs still argue about and that no part of Heritage got to go, nothing. In a spiritual heritage, however, there will be no dispute. On the contrary: The intellectual heritage makes peace and every person who comes into contact with it benefit from it.
Rüştü Aslandur, Muslim help
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