Monday, February 28, 2011
How Long Can You Have Gonorrhea Without Knowing
The Hessian women's individual championship in 2011 in Gross-Gerau played with four players in the chess players in the Friedberg-C tournament. Furthermore, three of our guest players were there.
Here are the results: C-
tournament with 18 players:
6th place: Sonja Wallrabenstein with 3 / 5
10th place: Larissa servant with 2 ½ / 5
12th place: Maja Wallrabenstein 2 / 5
16th place : Liubov Rasciupkina with 1 ½ / 5
Our guest players achieved the following results:
2nd place (after random battles): My Linh Tran with 4 / 5
6th place: Clara Victoria Graf with 1 / 5
B Tournament:
6 . Place: Carol Diener with 2 ½ / 5
The next Women's Individual Championship Hesse on 24 and March 25 at the community center Dorheim instead.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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Moscow, MSU, 1979.
along the cliff, in the precipice, on the very edge
I whip lashed his horses, - drove, -
Something I air little breeze drink fog swallowing,
I feel, with disastrous delight - ruined, ruined!
little slower, horses, little slower!
you do not listen to a tight thong! But
that some horses I have got choosy,
and live not in time, I did not have time to finish singing!
horses I have satiated,
I dopoyu couplet, -
a little more stand on the edge! ...
Sginu I, me feather the hurricane will sweep with palm,
And sleds will lead me to gallop through the snow in the morning.
you to go a step slow, my horses!
a little bit, but extended the path to the final resting place!
little slower, horses, little slower!
ukazchiki not you whip and lash.
But something caught my horses fastidious,
and live I could not, I have no time to finish singing.
horses I have satiated,
I dopoyu couplet, -
a little more stand on the edge! ...
We had - on a visit to God there are no delays.
So Well where angels sing these evil voices?
Or is the whole bell went with sobs,
Or I'm screaming horses, so as not to bore so fast sled?
little slower horses, a little slower!
I implore you not to fly off at a gallop!
But something horses I got choosy,
Kohl did not have time to live, so even finish singing!
horses I have satiated,
Я куплет допою -
Хоть мгновенье еще постою на краю ...!
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Friday, February 25, 2011
How Many Grams In A Bag Of Orville Redenbacher's
The Prophet (s) and his companions were aware of the importance of supporting orphans aware and knew also the large reward. Both the wives of the Prophet (s), as Other companions often competed with each other in this sense that we want to mention some examples here.
Hamza (ra), the uncle of the Prophet (s) who protects him and strengthened the Muslims had was killed in the battle of Uhud as a martyr. The daughter of Hamza, Umama was thus to become an orphan. Zaid Ali Jafar and to take as their closest relatives, competed to the orphan girl in her care, and so to be among the lucky ones that house an orphan in their home. (Ibn Sayidinnâs, II, 32)
The Prophet (s) once remarked that anyone who donates a Dattelgarten for orphans, as a reward in a garden Paradise is obtained. Then bought a companion named Ibnu'd-Dahhaha a Dattelgarten and donated it to an orphan child. The Prophet Muhammad (s) expressed his joy. (Waqidi, Maghazi, 1 / 281)
Aisha (ra), wife of the Prophet (s) took over the care and upbringing d his daughters of their late brother Muhammad and also took care of other Bel in these girls were married to them. She reported the Prophet (s) once was to her a Widow and her two girls came, and because they no longer even possessed, she was able to give a single date. The Prophet (s) noted then that because of the Verso pply Allah make these children a shield against the fire for a will. (Bukhari, Muslim)
You can see by these examples that across from the Fellowship for the help he orphans ground took the example of the Messenger of Allah (s) an important role in their lives. They believed not only to the statement that the Prophet (s) they had indicated, but they le b th they their time , which states: "'I and the one who provides a orphan be in paradise to be." And the Prophet this pointed with his index finger and middle finger by making it slightly different spread. "(Bukhari).
Rüştü Aslandur, muslims help
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Funny Comments To Write On The Cake For Birthday
City Hall administration has kept its word and provide us with new leases. The leases for the youth training were still present but this is because that we have not yet agreed internally on the times we do in the future, the youth training.
Here the leases are as follows:
team matches (both 13:30 - 20:30 clock):
Mar 13: Conference room, third Hemingwaytreff
April: Conference Room
May 8: Konfernezraum and Hemingwaytreff
practice on Saturday (all 14:00 - 19:00 clock):
second April - 16 April in the Conference Room in the April 23
30th April - 18 June in Conference room
20th August - November 26 in the conference room
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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Deimante Daulyte has won yet - so we now have won 4-2 and play next season in the 1 Frauenbschachbundesliga. Now we celebrate! Hopefully we can make it back to Friedberg. :)
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Adriana Nikolova made the 3.Brettpunkt - we are now 3-2 against White Blue Alliance Leipzig. Thus, we have risen to the 1.Frauenbundesliga - no matter how the game of Deimante Daulyte proceeds.
Now it would be the icing on the cake even complete the season with 14:0 points when Deimante win or draw!
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Unfortunately Melinda Goczo just lost. Thus, it is currently 2:2. From the two batches of ongoing Deimante Daulyte and Adriana Nikolova, we need a board point ...
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Current Standings: lead
were celebrations of My Linh Tran and Lili Toth for a loss of Eva Repkova the chess players Friedberg Leipzig in Leipzig against White Blue Alliance 2-1.
should be in the on-going three games of Deimante Daulyte, Adriana Nikolova and Melinda Goczo point of a board that is missing currently for advancement are still in there. Deimante and Adriana are better and worse Melinda.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Where Is The Presurrre Point For Periods
against the host of the last double round Leipzig-Lindenau our task was to give us a good starting position for the rise of crime on Sunday against White Blue Alliance Leipzig. Thus, our eyes were focused not only on our own struggle but also extends to the travel partner Hofheim against white blue alliance Leipzig. Our sympathy was of course clearly the Hofheimer, for every point the board Hofheim more achieved meant that we face Leipzig-Lindenau like to point board were banned. Unfortunately, Leipzig-Lindenau had not managed to summon a full team, so that Eve had Repkova that antratt to 1.Mal for Friedberg, after half an hour won without a fight. Some other top players would now stormed out of the playing hall, but Eva remained with her husband until the end of the race with the team. As in Friedberg, we already played again uniformly for all 6 boards in the jerseys of our sponsor Blue_Lightning Website by Blue Lightning .
This in turn was well received at the opposing teams. It's a great thing that there are still companies out there that support the sport of chess. We look forward to every chess friend who comes in contact with the company Blue_Lightning and mentioned that he is by the chess players to Friedberg, the company became aware. Blue Lightning The company offers IT training (for example, Microsoft and Open Office products), advertising design (including site preparation or advice on marketing issues) and computer training in schools (eg dangers of the Internet for children and young people).
were then very fast, Hessen Champion Lili Toth and Adriana Nikolova very well, so that was the first Lili 2-0 Adriana then get the 3-0. As could win in the final tower Deimante Daulyte + non-color slider, 2.Bauern and her opponent gave up we had won 4-0 at the intermediate level of the competition already. A look at the parallel event held Hofheim - White Blue Alliance Leipzig was now on the subject. Although we had already gained four boards, it was still 0-0 and in Hofheim Hofheim then went on 6.Brett even 1-0 - should initiate a sensation here? A look at the remaining 5 boards but quickly showed that this was not achieved and so white blue alliance Leipzig after a few minutes on the 1:1 compensation 5.Brett, winning in the consequence also on the boards, 1-4, so that Hofheim beaten despite interim leadership was 5:1. For us, this meant that we needed a draw of 2 boards to us on Sunday, a 3-3 draw against White Blue Alliance Leipzig "afford" to. Melinda Goczo had played her opponent with black out of the opening but then by an error the game set during My Linh in the time trouble phase, a favorable settlement in a Endpiel with excellent profit opportunities missed and then in a Endpsiel with runners + 3 peasants against Springer + 2 farmers had landed. Since all the farmers were on the kingside and My Linh also the "false defectors" had their chances, despite minimal extra pawn, but My Linh tried it anyway. Melinda Goczo could actually save their lost game by a lot of fighting but still in the draw while My Linh in the last game of the day in the end had to accept that they can not win because the knight would always be able to sacrifice and My Linh then schwarzfeldrigem runner + h-Bauer no longer could have won. The 5:1 leaves us now for Sunday open all possibilities. Of course we will try to white blue alliance Leipzig to win, but we are also aware that, in doubtful cases a 3:3 range. White Blue Alliance Leipzig must therefore necessarily play to win or move up to the 1.Frauenbundesliga can. Maybe they irritate yes to one or the other board while their positions. We ask all members and friends of chess enthusiasts Friedberg us in this important game Today at 9:00 clock in Leipzig firmly to keep our fingers crossed. The club can make history today.
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Today we won against SC Leipzig-Lindenau 5:1. At the same time white blue alliance against Hofheim Leipzig also won 5-1. It remains however that we lead the table with a board point Vorspung from white blue alliance Leipzig. Well tomorrow is the decider for the promotion to the 1.Frauenbundesliga on the board. Enough for us to go up a 3-3 win while White has blue alliance Leipzig. Although we only play 6 players are represented here in Leipzig with a 16-member group and hope that tomorrow we can celebrate extensively.
Friday, February 18, 2011
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This weekend is not the decision of whether to create the chess players move up to the Friedberg 1.Frauenbundesliga or.
Today, first at the game of Leipzig-Lindenau and parallel Hofheim play against White Blue Alliance Leipzig. Theoretically, we can already make the climb perfect, but we do not know if the chances are much greater than for a tip number 6 out of 49 achieved.
must order today to make the climb, we either perfect 6-0 win against Leipzig-Lindenau a simultaneous 5,5:0,5 (or 6:0) of Hofheim against white blue alliance Leipzig or against 5,5:0,5 Leipzig-Lindenau 6-0 win in a while against Hofheim White Blue Alliance Leipzig.
it is important but its the same result we achieve white blue alliance Leipzig (better or worse would be a half-point board also ok) for tomorrow "only" need to climb to a 3-3 draw.
We define schonmal: The decision is the first on Sunday in a direct clash
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How society deals with some groups of people in need of help, a reflection of society itself
is is the treatment for the elderly, the needy, the children or the disabled is an indicator of whether and to what degree the society of solidarity and humanity, or whether the weak fall by the wayside.
orphans undoubtedly belong to this group. A lost child, the father, mother or both parents is, psychologically, socially and financially disadvantaged - almost always.
On the other hand checks Allah the people with the others: " He it is Who made you successors (on) the earth and the one of you raised the other to degrees, that He might with what he has given you, check. Surely, your Lord is quick in punishment, but He is also truly Forgiving, Merciful. "(Koran Sura 6 verse 165). The mentioned "ranks" can be different things, of course, physical and financial assets.
The fact that in our environment are not orphans and they are not visible does not mean that we are not with them "Tested" to be rich and they do not need our helping hand. We now have the opportunity to help orphans almost anywhere in the world.
orphans around the world to exploitation. They can easily be exploited as cheap labor, children in prostitution and trafficking. By war, violence and escape, especially children are affected. You are injured, traumatized and uprooted. Without protection and care of parents they often lack food, clothing, medical care, education and love.
Allah himself particularly the Muslim Ummah has entrusted to the orphans for all times (see eg Al-Maun). He left his last Messenger (s) grow up an orphan and thereby ensures that they experience (s) the fate of orphans in his own body. The Umma is therefore responsible for the protection and care of orphans in the world.
The sources of Islam and the information about the current status of orphans are notes and prompt enough to us to deal with this issue and to rush to the aid of the orphans.
orphans are tested with heavy, but Allah promises everyone who is steadfast in a severe test, great reward. And all of us to consider whether we help the orphans. The
Orphan Week is an occasion that we deal with this important issue to deal specifically and can help.
Rüştü Aslandur muslims help
Monday, February 14, 2011
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order the operations on board 2 of yesterday's team competition MiP Frankfurt - Sfr. Friedberg 1891 to better assess here the game notation:
White: Karsten Wanie (2194)
Black: FM Matjaz Pirs (2233)
first d4 f5 second g3 Nf6 third Bg2 g6 4th Nf3 Bg7 5th 0-0 0-0 6. b3 Ne4 7th Bb2 c5 (Remisangebot!) 8 c4 Nc6 9th e3 d6 10. Nc3 Sxc3 11th Lxc3 cxd4 12th Nxd4 Bd7 13th LD5 + Kh8 14th Se6 Lxe6 15th Lxg7 + Kxg7 16th Lxe6 Qa5 17th LD5 DC5 18th Dd2 a5 19th a3 h6 20th h4 h5 21st Tfb1 Black gives up
Sunday, February 13, 2011
60thbirthday Speeches
A quite successful Sunday is behind us.
only downside was the 1.Mannschaft, after a short illness-related cancellation four hours before the race was unfortunately playing only seven and lost 3:5 against MiP Frankfurt. Incomprehensible has happened here on 2.Brett. According to several players, FM Matjaz Pirs has already offered to draw a few moves while the team leader had said explicitly that all must fight because we were already 0-1 behind. When the enemy refused to play He still trains some more and then in - according to his opponent - a balanced position just give up. If confirmed, these reports, the club will certainly have to take action against FM Matjaz Pirs. The
2.Mannschaft however, could win up against SC Niedereschbach two end 6-2, with the battle but was open for long. Nieder-Eschbach had placed 7 players on the boards and we were having black-and-response of Siegfried and the bridges without a fight point by Jean-Marie Paun already with 1 ½: ½. The opponents of Udo Wallrabenstein was bad came from the opening and was already in the cage, one 12.Zug checkmate - that is 2 ½: ½. On other boards, but was still open to everything. Grace Uribe Hurtado was strong pressure but could not get out as a farmer. This farmer, however, handed the victory - that is 3 ½: ½. Lukas Nowak had been standing on 7.Brett well but then lost the thread and at first a farmer could even figure. Unfortunately, he had great fight despite ultimately down the sails and Niedereschbach was at 1 ½: 3 ½ approached. Daniel Buchwald was his game where he had very long been under pressure to rotate in the time trouble phase and thus the crucial point for 4 ½: 1 ½ achieve intermediate level. Michael Ranft was now clear to win, but it was the time ran away. He still kept his nerve and reached the 5 ½: 1 ½. After a long struggle, was very Elena Wallrabenstein against the greatest player Lower Eschbacher (DWZ 1825) draws hold, so we are delighted with the 6-2 victory. With 12:0 points, we are still leaders, and have all the cards in their hands. The
3.Mannschaft could beat the Frankfurt TV 4 5-1. Unfortunately, the Frankfurt TV 4 with the 3 player was lined up so that we led 3-0 at the beginning. Frank Paulick and Marcel Trötscher won by fighting while Mehmet Turan, Leon Rahimi and Paul Fischler have won without a fight. Only Horst Hoffmann had his opponent's hand the task over the range board. The 3.Mannschaft has now consolidated so that the 8:4 points and 3rd place. The next match is the Race against Sfr. Frankfurt 4 on the program, which currently rank in the 2nd place.
Friday, February 11, 2011
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now called the Imam of the mosque last Friday for donations for the mosque, as do many. He said in Turkish, that the additional costs such as electricity, water and the rent would be paid for and also help smaller amounts of assistance would. Someone asked the Board to make it this call also in German. And the Imam said in perfect, accent-free German, the importance of support and said the cost of electricity, water, rent and so on. As reported, an approximately 50 year old brother (probably from the Balkans) from the front row to speak and said, "Brother, I'm coming for more than 15 years for Friday prayers in this mosque. When it comes to the electricity bill, then you can suddenly speak German. About Islam in the years I have not heard anything in German in this mosque. Why can you at least less than 10 minutes to tell a little German, so that we and our children understand that? If you do that, then the Electricity is no problem. We'll get back together, "The Imam, the situation was clearly embarrassed and he said:". You're right brother, we will change this in the next few weeks inshallah "
An important reason for the Islam and Muslims in Germany, almost. half a century are still perceived as foreign , is that Muslims foster this image of "otherness" in large part itself. And a major hurdle, why there is little progress in the unity of Muslims in this country is that the language is not German in the communities . It seems that still (too) many, still not in Germany, have arrived thus not in reality.
The reality of the situation in society is of course reflected in the final revelation of Allah: "And We have sent not a messenger except in the language of his people, for him to (the message) makes it clear .... "(Quran 14:4)
Rüştü Aslandur, muslims help
Thursday, February 10, 2011
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Yesterday we had a very successful meeting with the chief officer of the city hall administration. The chess club can play permanently in the town hall and the caretaker will be for our home games now and again to the end spot.
was further confirmed by our game on Saturday evening and the Youth Training on Friday permanently.
Excellent news for chess lovers Friedberg. Next Sunday we have
but once again play in Ockstadt, as the city hall is already full and can no longer change this was.
The remaining home games of the 2010/11 season but all can be held at the Stadthalle Friedberg.
Friday, February 4, 2011
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begins there is usually a will of a deceased person. What the person then leaves really depends on what he already was before as a heritage, turned in his own life and his last before Death then remained in his possession. That is his legacy that finds its expression in a will.
This is the physical heritage. About money, valuables, houses and other property there after the death of the deceased among the heirs almost always armed, and leads to violence.
What had left the Prophet (PBUH)?
Our beloved Prophet (s) has left us drawn to the spiritual and non-material heritage, is significant and enduring. He (s) even put the priority on these spiritual things that are critical and which will be passed on from generation. The Prophet (PBUH) said: "I have left you two things, you will not go astray as long as you hold fast to them. The book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet "(Malik). The fact that the Prophet (s) generally no (substantive) heritage left he pressed (s) also loud and clear: "We (prophets) are not inherited ..." (Buhari)
What are we left ?
We, the followers of the Prophet Muhammad (s) should focus on the non-material things focused. Both for us and as a legacy for our children, relatives and the Ummah in general. We can again see the statements of the sandblasted Allah (s), what really has value and is consistent: "The father may his child no better legacy behind as a good education. "(Tirmizi) and" ... Verily, the scholars are heirs of the prophets and the prophets (the heirs) neither dinar nor leave dirhams, but they left (the heirs), the knowledge ... " (Abu Dawud). The Sadaqah al-Dscharija belongs to the category of intellectual heritage.
why it is respected by Allah, if one assumes the role of an educator and teacher for the people than that one to exhaustion and (self-) destruction only the material things in his life chasing. In such a case, the last heirs still argue about and that no part of Heritage got to go, nothing. In a spiritual heritage, however, there will be no dispute. On the contrary: The intellectual heritage makes peace and every person who comes into contact with it benefit from it.
Rüştü Aslandur, Muslim help