Living like in jail? From child-friendly residential development to the monitored prison wing? Since February 1999 I live in a 2 bedroom apartment on the island road 66 in Basel. Since my collection has always been a problem exists: The heating and charge settlement. However, I was able to recover each year a few hundred francs successful. Otherwise, the problems were in the frame. - Sorry, was in 2002 a change of ownership. The properties were sold to, especially based on the purchase, finance and Treuhand AG. - In a first measure, the underground garage was renovated. This restoration was not only months of unbearable noise and the effect (requests for rent reduction were not answered) but also the loss of all trees on the lawn area. Trees, which donated a shadow on sunny days, cleaned the air and to dampen the noise were gone!
So you can no longer sit outside in summer under the trees. The lawns have lost their utility for most tenants. However, they opened up new opportunities for the children. - Great I thought, because the superstructure is indeed the owner written out as a very child friendly. - Soccer game could be played, because the offending trees were gone. No way. It was like a prohibition sign for football games. Also began to manage with the circular to the tenant, some with massive threats. Many tenants have been intimidated - some do not.
island Strasse 66, Basel, back |
container, waste, waste paper and house maintenance When I entered I was shown around. It was explained to me that the garbage bags should be thrown into the containers, waste paper and cardboard but bundled next to the specially designed and sealed containers to deposit. 2003 was informed by circular letter:
"cardboard and newspapers can do to ensure your privacy provided for removal days depositing the house. " now would we not have assumed that the caretaker had less work, and the charges would have to fall?
It took its course. a steady flow of letters followed, although in the meantime never waste lying around or any disorder in the container space was to be found -.. In early 2007 it became clear lead where this action should Containers rooms were closed and everyone had from then on his garbage outside to bring No, not at the house, but the assembly point (70 meters from the Inselstr. .. 66) - The administration put it as follows:
"As some tenants, despite repeated requests continue to not follow rules hold, then all are themselves anxious to put the rubbish bags on the streets " -. That is, because maybe 1 -. 5% of the tenants behaves incorrectly to 500 other tenants suffer Fortunately, our state is on crime single not according to this principle:.. Lock we are all one
was thus ready to build a caretaker body completely least now have a massive reduction in the caretaker costs must be visible, but no, it was not so on the contrary, they rose even more.. access to evidence or a plausible reason was not to be expected -. That is now estimated the cost for about 90 to 100% house maintenance, divided to 3 persons, about CHF 7'600 .00 - Fri 8'000 .00 per month. This applies to our billing, 8 properties comprehensively. The same house but are waiting for 18 properties (consortium) responsible. If we extrapolate the short, which Br are 18,000 .00 per month for two full-time caretakers and a part-time gardener. This one must also know that for a professional caretaker (with completed vocational training in a skilled trade) per hour about CHF 35.00 gross and, also gross, CHF 5'000 .00 - 5'500 .00 per month are adequate. - Then, if anywhere, something not quite right. - The caretakers remain untouched by my criticism. It's all about the cost and how far these are justified.
noise of children, house rules and seat in the hall I start with the seats in the hall. The island road is 62-66 as from 1 Floor and the basement is divided into 3 buildings, the entrance hall is continuous and roughly estimated 150m2 large. Initially it had some green plants and Christmas was also a decorated tree. There was continuous throughout the length of seating, which were originally meant that to get to know the tenants of the various houses here and talk something could. Of course, it was also possible to rest yourself, if you just came from outside or not so good by foot, that is old, sick, handicapped, etc. - These seats were also removed 2007th Which was founded with a lot of newsletters, like this:
'entrances: The games within the main entrance is strictly forbidden Failure to comply may result in termination of your apartment for a row! " or:
"Gambling and the longer stay in the doorways is prohibited This applies to children and adults at day or night.." While of course in the introduction to always point out the house rules and the individual points. Sorry, you will find these items in most cases not in the house rules. - RMS is there only to find the following paragraph.
the children to play on the stairs, in elevators and in the common rooms of the house allowed " which that youth or even adults in these areas should not, it says absolutely nothing. . Apart from that I pay my share of cleaning, electricity (lighting) and heating for the hall, that I think there on how I want it here, there is no restriction by the house rules and no legally valid contractual restrictions -
tip. way the house rules of course an integral component of the lease and can not be supplemented or amended .
Here's another formulation in a circular, which I find really quite primitive and sad.
"sit According to a letter handicapped children at the bottom of the entrance hall or outside in the cold It is not known to us that at all disabled children living in the building over . In addition, the entrance is no playground and no place for children and adults. Therefore, the wooden benches not mounted again. Furthermore, if (disabled) children sit outside in the cold, should be decided by the parents. " There are disabled children, adults and older men, that would like to rest again.
And a nice note:
"The entrances, laundry and lawn is no playground for children. Several times we have children pointed out that prohibited the playing football in the entrance and on the lawn is. The noise is an unreasonable demand for other tenants." I think that I am not alone when I say that the only suggestion is the author of these lines. Children do not constitute the noise and their "loud" is definitely not being unreasonable but perfectly normal. - This view is the majority of courts or agencies. If not the rest periods are massively disrupted, and includes a night's rest, is against a normal child behavior loud objections.
can thus be argued together that neither against gambling on the lawn (also football) has anything to say when the rest periods are observed, are still against the resulting noise. Somewhat ironically, mentioned that in all these children never hostile terms, that was rented in the building No. 66, a kindergarten in the city of Basel.
Sample listing: "Child" |
heating and utility costs For nearly 12 years I live on the island road 66th It was not a single year in which I had not the charge settlement have reason to complain. Once I even requested by the legal expenses that it sees the evidence, even though you thought it was unnecessary and it was my desire for it was worth it. Thus, at the cost of water also foisted fees that the owner would have to bear.
New windows, new elevator We also got about 3 - 4 years new window. The windows bestowed a rental fee of CHF 13.00 per month. Integrated into the windows so were called vents. This was commissioned by the Administration, without informing the tenants. When one before House a delivery ramp to the supermarket and a gateway to the underground garage has bestow, one such ventilation slots no fresh air but soot, dust and stench. In winter, still comes to an unpleasant draft.
The new lift, another disaster. The car got stuck often, or the lift was not working. Even today, frequent outages a nuisance. Unfortunately, this is the least evil. Our old lift was very quiet. The noise, which emanates from this lift is incredible. Abens sleep I can not, because someone always lift moves and hardly is the last run up to the first tenants to work. Several times I had asked the administration the responsible company Schindler AG muster, but nothing happened. This would really fight noise. - And if we take a look at the rules of the house, we read:
"from 22.00 clock until the morning 07.00 clock is to take on the sleep of the roommate special consideration also in the rest of time is to excessive, the roommate of disturbing noise can be avoided.. " home or hobby shop A few months or even a year was in the 4th Stock Exchange held a tenant. The administration let redecorating the house and line the floors with laminate. At a sufficient impact noise was probably omitted. Previously, I had never above is the tenant came along for me. Now this is not true anymore. From early morning until late at night it goes on up to as ... I do not know how I could compare. Most likely would be a wood and metal processing workshop, or true. Here one can speak of noise. But the administration is not ready for peace be ensured. Almost daily, an engine noise is heard. In the morning, at 7.00 clock starts this noise, which I associate with an old electric motor. He needs some time until he really gets up to speed and the imbalance is characteristic of older electric motors. The "thing" is the day to 22.00 clock in the evening 7 - 12 times a day on and off. I have no idea what it could be. Sometimes it is only a few minutes, turned off briefly and back on. The management is of the opinion that I should find out for yourself how it is and what it is, then they would do something about it eventually. - A kind of "What I am" guessing game.
odor from the wash house are As noted above, the Inselstr. 62-66 built together. The ground floor apartments but are not principally the laundry rooms. Each house has three washing machines, 3 dryers, Mange and oven (at least when I moved it was so). For several years, actually since the new administration (2007) are the smells of detergent, fabric softener, vinegar, acid, plasticizers, etc. so much that in summer I can hardly sit on the balcony. It is not about some smells, but persistent odors from morning until night. Although would have to leave at 22.00 clock, the laundry rooms, has for some time to gewerkelt in the early hours. Sometimes at night to clean carpets. - On Pentecost, 2010 were in the garden about 10 or aired more carpets and tapped out.
door and intercom system out of service Last winter 2009/10 we had more and more failures. First came the intercom from frequent, then one could the front door locked closed. After these failures occurred more often I wrote an email to the administration, which then said only that the problem would be known for some time and there were no spare parts. It would, however, already begun to obtain cost estimates. Meanwhile, you could not even use the door opener. It took three full months until the plant was replaced.
interference by tenant, caretaker or management I do not believe that complaints should be done directly by the tenant to tenant. If a tenant tell me that I live too loud, I would probably give it to the way that he will testify and to regulate the administration (Exceptions would be set as a TV or hi-fi loud). In all other cases, the MUs caretaker is responsible. Only should be in a building complex of this size in each building a part-time caretaker, which is responsible for law and order, to be scheduled.
House Rules Page 1 |
House Rules Page 2 |
I speak on the above text again and again by the administration. Basically, I mean the owner of it, which is represented only by the administration and responsible. The administration acts on its behalf, unfortunately.
This paper shows the following link (you have to scroll down pretty much) that I am surely not alone: