As-Salamu alaikum dear people,
soon the days of fasting during Ramadan are over and we have only a few days time to perform religious services, Duas and good works in this particular month. Today is one of the odd nights in which offers this possibility at best. May Allah give us the mind and will give them perform.
Our prayers for today:
- O Lord strength, my Iman, multiply my fear of God, several of my knowledge in Islam, and enable me to accomplish even more services. Make me a model and a light to my surroundings. Enlighten my path with the Koran. Let me the Sunnah of your beloved Prophet (s) to love and practice. Take my life according to the Koran and following the Sunna as a reason for my forgiveness.
- O Allah make me live and die as a Muslim as a Muslim. Let me remove from Islam and never let me live a moment without thinking of you. Let my life be full of you and of your religion, so I need no other fulfillment in my life. 'm Following the death of my grave a garden of paradise and not to a State of Grace.
- let me on the last day under the banner of your beloved ambassadors gather and liberty from the basin of the Prophet (s) to drink. Help me on the last day on which there is no help and support, except from you Give me the youngest Day a shadow where there is no shade except for Dir Count me to your faithful servants, and let me enter Paradise in the proximity of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s).
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