Allah never forgives ...
the sin of shirk, the associating of God.
The form and content of this proposition is similar to the Kalima at-Tawheed, which reads: "There is no God but the One God. "If someone speaks only the first part and thinks he would say something fundamentally wrong and accept.
But everyone is clear by nature, whether religious or not or whether he belongs to a religion or not, God is forgiving!
is interesting, however, has the extent of the forgiveness of Allah in the Islamic idea.
Allah says in the Quran:

Say: ' Oh My servants, you who have grossly against your own souls negotiat lten, do not despair of Allah's mercy. Verily Allah forgives all debt. He is the Forgiving, the Merciful "(39:53)"
appears in this verse the property of the forgiveness of God. Ghaffaar Al-Al-Ghaffaar derived from the word meaning "ghafr", which "cover, hide or conceal something to to protect it from dirt "means. Maghfirah and Ghufran forth the same root word.
Allah is He Who always forgives
Allah forgives the sins even if they are repeatedly committed. We must not only Allah's forgiveness and pardon expect when we sincerely ask for forgiveness. Allah also covered the sins committed and shall not open. There is no limit and no amount His forgiveness. only when someone dies in a state of shirk, He will not forgive that.
The attributes of forgiveness expressed by Allah in complete form. As human beings, the property of Allah "Al-Ghafaar" always attract benefits should we proceed in our human context as well.
For our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: ". Whoever conceals the faults of a Muslim to forgive its shortcomings, the Allah forgive his mistakes" (narrated in Bukhari and Muslim).
Rüştü Aslandur, muslims help
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