Yes if, in a exchange programs such as the OBW ( Ontarion - Baden Württemberg) is there is of course always an official part. For me it was a Orientation the 3 days lan in Toronto was:
Monday, 08/24 - Wednesday, 08/26:
On Monday we drove off with general matters. So what we actually want from the university, which offers us the university and what we have to do ... not exactly spectacular, but still useful. That was really nice to again be among the Germans and all other OBW to meet people. Some I knew from the preparation weekend in Germany. My "personal goal" for the Orientation was a par to find volunteers to go with me on the Alpgonquin Parc to paddle. This was not really hard and we have the evening the same time, a par things organized . Namely, we need a car with camping equipment, canoes and a camping permit from the Ranger . Well not quite that simple ... The
Orientation was not only drivel, because on Tuesday we had a really nice "school trip". At first it went to a wonderful gallery and then in the north to Gorgian Bay for a boat ride! At the end there was again a really delicious dinner buffet :)
All images of Orientation (just click on the link ...)
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