Yes I admit, I still do not study! There are just too many interesting things, simply because there is no time. I It did not even managed to resolve my case, complete! Well this week is first Frosh Week and also on Monday Labor Day!
5-6.9 weekend: This weekend I've
at least once started to give my room. Once it looks reasonably nice, I will also show a couple of pictures, but not yet! Moreover, now all retired in a house and of course had to be celebrated on Sunday night right! In the house now, just 7 students: 2 German, one French, one Algerian, one Chinese, one Canadian and a Canadian woman of Turkish origin ... a really nice mix! Especially when we all start to cook;)
was very funny and the "residence move in", ie the arrival of freshmen in the dorms. Before the dorms were really cool parties all of the residents and from time to time are about 18-year freshmen moved forward with their parents and were greeted wildly screaming and then the car was emptied of all those present within 5 minutes and then continued the party ... I shall place before me a river!
Monday, 09/07 Labor Day:
This morning went there first in a parade in the city in almost all trade unions and other associations that Hamilton has to offer are run there:
afternoon we will get tickets at short notice for the football game against the McMaster Marauders Waterloo. I've never been to a football game so it was a really great experience, even though I still do not understand the rules to 100%:
additional pictures (click on the link ...)
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