Sunday: 2nd and win 3.Mannschaft - Getting lost unfortunately
A quite successful Sunday is behind us.
only downside was the 1.Mannschaft, after a short illness-related cancellation four hours before the race was unfortunately playing only seven and lost 3:5 against MiP Frankfurt. Incomprehensible has happened here on 2.Brett. According to several players, FM Matjaz Pirs has already offered to draw a few moves while the team leader had said explicitly that all must fight because we were already 0-1 behind. When the enemy refused to play He still trains some more and then in - according to his opponent - a balanced position just give up. If confirmed, these reports, the club will certainly have to take action against FM Matjaz Pirs. The
2.Mannschaft however, could win up against SC Niedereschbach two end 6-2, with the battle but was open for long. Nieder-Eschbach had placed 7 players on the boards and we were having black-and-response of Siegfried and the bridges without a fight point by Jean-Marie Paun already with 1 ½: ½. The opponents of Udo Wallrabenstein was bad came from the opening and was already in the cage, one 12.Zug checkmate - that is 2 ½: ½. On other boards, but was still open to everything. Grace Uribe Hurtado was strong pressure but could not get out as a farmer. This farmer, however, handed the victory - that is 3 ½: ½. Lukas Nowak had been standing on 7.Brett well but then lost the thread and at first a farmer could even figure. Unfortunately, he had great fight despite ultimately down the sails and Niedereschbach was at 1 ½: 3 ½ approached. Daniel Buchwald was his game where he had very long been under pressure to rotate in the time trouble phase and thus the crucial point for 4 ½: 1 ½ achieve intermediate level. Michael Ranft was now clear to win, but it was the time ran away. He still kept his nerve and reached the 5 ½: 1 ½. After a long struggle, was very Elena Wallrabenstein against the greatest player Lower Eschbacher (DWZ 1825) draws hold, so we are delighted with the 6-2 victory. With 12:0 points, we are still leaders, and have all the cards in their hands. The
3.Mannschaft could beat the Frankfurt TV 4 5-1. Unfortunately, the Frankfurt TV 4 with the 3 player was lined up so that we led 3-0 at the beginning. Frank Paulick and Marcel Trötscher won by fighting while Mehmet Turan, Leon Rahimi and Paul Fischler have won without a fight. Only Horst Hoffmann had his opponent's hand the task over the range board. The 3.Mannschaft has now consolidated so that the 8:4 points and 3rd place. The next match is the Race against Sfr. Frankfurt 4 on the program, which currently rank in the 2nd place.
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