the Quran try to learn it by heart pieces and I try according to my modest skills and potential to explain some passages in the Koran or Islam siblings interested.
My first full reading in a (German) Quran translation disappointed me and I was not really interesting insights. It was only when I mean "Koran studies" led further, I saw statements in the final revelation of God, waiting like diamonds in a mine full of precious stones on their find. As a layman I had overlooked many points or simply ignored and not their value recognized . Since then, I know that by the further Study of the Koran I always open new, deeper and more valuable insights.
that this dimension can be increased even more breakthroughs are possible, I only became clear last weekend.
said one scholar of the Koran are a few examples which "discoveries" he had made in the understanding of the Koran and insights he gained. This he had found out with a scholar's Commission, by many years of intensive study of the Koran. The insights were so amazing for us and so new that you can read anywhere else, or hear. For example he was only a single ayah of the Quran is a difficult Prayer time problem solving . He suggested "only" two different words of a verse, but linguistically entirely correct. But thus he delivered the important key to an unsolved problem for years the Muslim ummah.
What tremendous potential involve the words of Allah or for us, when we study the Koran not only on the surface and in the usual course of action? Not just a decade-long open question of the Ummah can be solved, but the age-old problems of humanity - inshallah. For we know that His mercy is boundless: "The Most Gracious. He has taught the Qur'an " (Koran 55:1-2)
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