Monday, January 31, 2011
Donated Office Space Deduction
were again 2 hours of our women's teams active:
could reach 2.Frauenmannschaft While in the Women's Regional League with a 2-2 in the mother plays the central 4.Frauenmannschaft round of the Women's League in 2.Hessischen Biebertal three times.
counter Kassel and Long were each 3-1 victory and a 2-2 draw against Gernsheim was reached. A board was missing at the end point for 1st place. But with 5-1 points and 8-4 points, the board 4.Frauenmannschaft has played a successful season.
Here are the latest stands of all women's teams include:
1.Frauenmannschaft 10:0 25:5 BP points = 1st place in the 2.Bundesliga
2.Frauenmannschaft 1:5 points 3 ½: 8 ½ BP = 5th place in the Southwest Regional
3.Frauenmannschaft 1:3 points 3 ½: 4 ½ BP = 3rd place in the Hess. Women's League
4.Frauenmannschaft 5:1 8:4 points = 2nd place in the BP 2.Hess. Women's League
Saturday, January 29, 2011
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Our 1.Mannschaft moves after the 4-4 against Oberusel II continues in the safe middle class of the country east. Both a rise and a decline after that 4-4 are more likely now, so it will probably remain in the season 2011/12 in the Friedberg 1.Mannschaft in the national class East. Once again it was
Matjaz Pirs on 2.Brett, who finished his first game with a peace treaty. Some Later agreed then Behrang Saddghi on 1.Brett Volker Gries also a draw, so it was 1:1. Jean-Marie Paun took us through a nice attack on 8.Brett then win with a 2-1 lead. Oberursel on 3.Brett but could compensate for the 2:2. Rene fork was lost in the attack of the 1st chairman of the SV Oberursel Thomas W. Falk. Then when I lost even Vladislav Kolker against ex-Friedberg Günther Kuban 2:3 we were even back. Our team leader Damian Krzizok had taken off his opponent too many farmers, so that this had to give up and we were able to compensate for 3:3. The two remaining boards were each a little better for us what the team leader Günther Oberurseler Kuban prompted us to offer both boards to make a draw. But we wanted to play even more and try yet another 4 ½: 3 ½ "tease out". First of all, however, see Arthur Stein am 6.Brett hand that he could not win and then also found on Frank Burkhard 7.Brett no way the final game to win against a good Spinger bad runner. With the 4:4 in the end but we can live with. The Aufstiegsschancen were already minimal and this point we have taken another step towards relegation made. On February 13 we play Matt in the Park in Frankfurt, which also currently have 5 points but a half-board point more than we have. With a win we can sell our relegation worries again and see what is on the first two places does the state class East - maybe there are still a slip of the rise of TV favorites Frankfurt and Sfr. Frankfurt, which would allow us to re-engage in the promotion battle. We must on Feb 13, first do our homework and see what the others do.
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The 3.Mannschaft had to dodge on Jan 23, together with the 1.Mannschaft Dorheim in the community center because the Friedberger City Hall was closed at 18:30 clock and we could not reach that of a caretaker for us to max . 20:30 clock in the city hall remains. After all, we have
on Jan 25, a meeting with Peter 1.Stadtrat Ziebarth get there and we were promised that in future the janitor stops again until we are done. Now we want to
but after Dorheim:
We were the rooms where we got the Large and Small Hall enthusiastic. The great hall had loose can still play a few teams. So we had plenty of space and of course everybody has their own large table to play chess. Through the large windows allow plenty of natural light came into the game room. In the small room we then set up the analysis room - there could also play three teams problems. The
Oberurseler drudelten remains slow and the team captain was missing, so we ask the 1st chairman of the clock at 14:05 SV Oberursel Thomas W. Falk, who played with the parallel 2.Oberurseler team against our 1.Mannschaft had the team's formation, our audit. We had just released the boards since then came at 14:10 clock Oberurseler also the team leader and wanted to change the team again. It was then too late, because the first trains were never done already. We have decided not to host the Oberurseler the delay of the reflection period to be deducted, but the change up at 14:10 then again the clock was no longer natural.
Oberursel obviously had 4 large staffing problems, for they had traveled only 6 players. Horst Hoffmann was Therefore, on the 1-0 1.Brett achieve without a fight. Leo Rahimi (4.Brett) was fast in the final. He initially had 2 towers against rook and bishop there, he managed to conquer the opposing runners and therefore he made it 2-0 for us. On
6.Brett Marcel Trötscher could remove his opponent decisive material and worried that it 3-0. On 1.Brett my position after 18 moves was to balance. Since my young opponent was in 19.Zug but it soon stopped a figure 4-0 and we won the fight.
Frank Paulick on 5.Brett had the strongest opponent of Dr. Barbara caught Hopp, who had stepped in as a replacement player with ELO 1566th She could catch Frank's lady and eventually win the game, too. 4-1, it was Hamid Rahimi, who fought as a single yet. He was a pawn up but the matter was not so clear. His opponent, however, had not much left to think and so Hamid was quite fast and the 5-1 win was perfect.
by this victory we achieved a jump of 7 on the 3rd place in the table. We are now only 2 points behind the Sfr. Frankfurt 4, which are still in second place on a rise and also play against them. First, it is on Feb 13, but against the 4.Mannschaft the Frankfurter Turnverein.
Friday, January 28, 2011
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A study of the Criminological Research Institute (allegedly) found out: The devout Muslim youths are more violent they were. The study was conducted by the Federal Ministry of the Interior ordered. Here I do not even want to consider the substance of this study and not discuss the question of why the Home Office again for an investigation conduct of the Muslims in a Criminological Institute had.
Although the results of this study are not as we know we have real, existing problems among young Muslim immigrants. Some of them go out of themselves, others are discrimination they experienced by others.
All stakeholders in society - and particularly the community of those affected - would have to think about what could be the principles of the proposed solutions to this problem.
A possible Islamic principle, which contributes to the solution of the problem, I mean this week studying the Koran "discovered" to have.
It's about Sure Yusuf (Sura 12) verses 43ff: The history and the section is known to many: the king of Egypt has a dream that he and his advisers can suggest. As one recalls Yusuf (as), who (innocently) incarcerated in prison. Yusuf (as) has the ability to interpret dreams correctly. It shall be interpreted as only one capable of the most important dream of the King (right). After that, the tragic fate of Yusuf (as) a positive twist: His innocence is clearly the king recognizes Yusuf (as) other positive character traits and make him a (high) consultant.
What has this to do with Muslim immigrants?
If the far-fetched, if I draw the following conclusions from this section Koran?
If we continue to develop steadfastness of our God-given abilities, we can develop (worldly) qualifications that make us a sought-be might be an "indispensable" person in a particular area
make additional positive character traits decision-makers recognize and form a plus for the next round
All this leads to acceptance among people of different religions and despite origin (the Egyptian king was idolaters and Yusuf (as) a Muslim and he was not Egyptian!)
The lesson from this story in the Quran makes me even more aware of why Allah the Exalted to receipt of this sura says. " We report to you the most beautiful stories ... "
tryIn this spirit, we especially our two trainees at muslims help promote.
Rüştü Aslandur, Muslim help
Sunday, January 23, 2011
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5.Match The Hessian in the league was for the chess players Friedberg again successful
The 1.Mannschaft played against Oberursel II 4:4
The 2.Mannschaft won Eschbach II 5 ½: 2 ½
won against the News 3.Mannschaft Oberursel IV 5:1
so we have the following items after 5 rounds:
1.Mannschaft: 5:5 20 ½: 19 ½
2.Mannschaft: 10:0 28:12
3.Mannschaft: 6:4 13 ½: 16 ½
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In the 2nd round we played against Hofheim third Due to numerous cancellations we had with Sonja (10 years) and Maja Wallrabenstein (7 years) to play for four players on the boards bring. The Hofheimer were lined up with a strong team and so was nominally to be expected on the boards, 1-3 nothing. Still the best opportunities were on 1.Brett, but also there was Katrina Hanka (1382) to Nino Begluri (1729) at least 347 points less. On 4.Brett we applied ourselves a good chance of a point, as our new member Grace Uribe Hurtado was so rear-connected and had a beatable opponent.
Sonia and Maya Wallrabenstein were never a real chance even though they fought out agendas. Thus, it was about 1 ½ hours already 0-2. Interestingly, Katrin Hanka against Nino Begeluri could very well keep up. Katrina was a pawn, which had been sacrificed in the Evans Gambit Begeluri Nino and even though they had lost the castling right she held up her position and could soon become even more a 2.Bauern. Nino Begeluri sacrificed unnerved 2 figures against rook + Bauer was the resulting endgame But do not hold. Curiosity, was the Katrina had used for the entire game just 35 minutes during Begeluri Nino in the final position only 6 minutes and 2 seconds on the clock had thus already had consumed nearly 3 hours to think. So we had made the connection to 1:2. Hope for a draw was still to no more because Grace had landed in a rook ending with minus farmers. After all, Grace was but a draw and we have 1 ½: 2 ½ to 3 Hofheim lost. Since at the same Caissa Kassel with 3 ½: ½ won against Hattersheim occur on Mar 12, now for the 3rd place play-off against Hattersheim, where we would be rich already 2-2 for 2nd place.
Here, the individual results:
Dr. Katrin Hanka - Nino Begeluri 1-0
Sonja Wallrabenstein - Christa Kaulfuss 0:1
Maja Wallrabenstein - Manuela 0:1 weighting
Grace Uribe Hurtado - Daniela Schiller-gap Meier ½: ½ ..
Friday, January 21, 2011
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the Quran try to learn it by heart pieces and I try according to my modest skills and potential to explain some passages in the Koran or Islam siblings interested.
My first full reading in a (German) Quran translation disappointed me and I was not really interesting insights. It was only when I mean "Koran studies" led further, I saw statements in the final revelation of God, waiting like diamonds in a mine full of precious stones on their find. As a layman I had overlooked many points or simply ignored and not their value recognized . Since then, I know that by the further Study of the Koran I always open new, deeper and more valuable insights.
that this dimension can be increased even more breakthroughs are possible, I only became clear last weekend.
said one scholar of the Koran are a few examples which "discoveries" he had made in the understanding of the Koran and insights he gained. This he had found out with a scholar's Commission, by many years of intensive study of the Koran. The insights were so amazing for us and so new that you can read anywhere else, or hear. For example he was only a single ayah of the Quran is a difficult Prayer time problem solving . He suggested "only" two different words of a verse, but linguistically entirely correct. But thus he delivered the important key to an unsolved problem for years the Muslim ummah.
What tremendous potential involve the words of Allah or for us, when we study the Koran not only on the surface and in the usual course of action? Not just a decade-long open question of the Ummah can be solved, but the age-old problems of humanity - inshallah. For we know that His mercy is boundless: "The Most Gracious. He has taught the Qur'an " (Koran 55:1-2)
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
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New wine in old bottles: The chess players
Friedberg have with the 1st and avoid 3.Mannschaft on Sunday after Dorheim.
reason this time is not to say that the town hall would be occupied but rather that it is not used.
How can the website of the Friedberger bowlers found the bowlers play on Jan 23 at 10:00 clock in the town hall. Only the finish at 18:30 clock and chess players can therefore only up 18:30 clock to stay in town hall, as will be locked at 18:30 clock, the city hall and the caretaker has leisure time. Because of just under 2 hours (if you miteinrechnet degradation) we therefore have to dodge Dorheim. The whole thing is further evidence that we find no support from the town of Friedberg, but then only stick between the legs get thrown.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Greyhound Has Flaky Skin
organize the chess players Friedberg their new youth training. Previously, this Friday from 16:30 bis 18:00 clock clock in the conference room of City Hall Friedberg performed. The 2.Vorsitzende Martin Herwig-Päutz caused by his willingness to accept the youth leader Udo Wallrabenstein, working in shifts around the clock, responsible, that this was even possible. For personal reasons, Martin Herwig-Päutz make that representation is no longer, so the club can provide in the future, not that the Youth Training takes place every Friday.
The youth leader Udo Wallrabenstein on 21 and 28 January 2011 or from 16:30 clock - 18:00 clock to carry out the Youth Training in the conference room of City Hall Friedberg. Then the youth training in the regular evening game of chess enthusiasts on Saturday Friedberg is used by clock 14:00 bis 19:00 clock also included in the conference room of City Hall Friedberg. The youth leader Udo Wallrabenstein offers on Jan 29, 2011 14:30 bis 16:00 clock clock the first Youth training on Saturday in the conference room of city hall in Friedberg. From February, the Youth Training then performed only on selected Saturdays, which are published here. The young people have the option to match each Saturday of the chess players Friedberg come. Even if the youth leaders every Saturday may not be present, yet are always other club members present and the children and young people can play games with each other or even against adults.
Friday, January 14, 2011
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The importance of proper communication is an important social issue.
be written as books and seminars offered as communication in marriage or family, in training and in the workplace, politics or in people who present themselves publicly and can be improved for managers and so on.
The other properly understood and appropriate to counter it promotes coexistence, boosts productivity and ensures that the messages reach their own right and misunderstandings and errors.
Communication with others is important. But we understand ourselves? How can we communicate with others when we are there for us a book with seven seals or "talk" we hardly even with ourselves? It is essential that someone understands himself before he / she communicates with others!
Allah created us in a certain form and with certain skills and talents, but with certain limits (eg s.Sure No. 91, No. 95, etc.). The need to know and understand so that you can develop and not constantly disappointments experienced.
The goal of communication is with himself and self-development. Here you can follow steps:
1) self-analysis : To analyze something, you have to be able to observe good and right. This requires a degree of objectivity that is the overcoming of their own subjective criteria.
2) finding : The analysis and observation, we are able to determine certain characteristics, to determine specific strengths and weaknesses.
3) find solutions : Once you have identified the problems and the facts, one can solve the problem and to track the goals you want to reach the pass.
4) reacting : The final step is the conclusion of the process. Solutions to problems and set goals are only worth as much as they can be implemented in practice.
Rüştü Aslandur, muslims help
Friday, January 7, 2011
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The foundation and the essence of the Islamic faith of monotheism, that is, monotheism (Tawheed Arabic). How does this belief in the one God in society?
If there are people who have internalized the Tawheed, then govern the relationship of these people and institutions to guide and lead the people in this society based on justice.
This is because one of the important Attributes of Allah al-'Adl is. This means that Allah is never unjust to judge with justice and righteousness, and all his actions take place after this divine principle. Allah be yes, but also injustice! Why? Thus we establish justice in this life, and just act so that justice is a norm! Thus, to create a strong bond between God, the Creator and the worshiper. To be fair and honest is so important to act in accordance with the Islamic faith that even the (natural) preference of the gang from the parents or relatives - the strongest human ties at all - moves to second place:
" O you who believe, be guardian of justice, witnesses for Allah, even if it be against yourselves or parents and next of kin! ... Why not follow the tendency that it is not fair! If you (the truth) twist or turn (it) turns away, surely, Allah is what you do, Kundig. "(Quran 4:135)
Fair treatment leads to nearness to God and expresses the fear of God. Even if there would be resentment against someone or a group of people, even this should not lead to unfair assessment and treatment to these people (see: Quran 5:8). And the warning to the faithful is: Who is unfair that is to Allah, the absolute fear righteous!
These thoughts and considerations are to me this week came in the head when I noticed the cowardly and cruel attack on the Coptic Christians in Egypt and asked me, I think it is right to remain silent.
Rüştü Aslandur, muslims help