yeah, I'm still alive! Recently, much too much happened and I had almost daily reports to tell everything, but here is a brief summary of the last weeks:
end of October:
The university has been quite a bit preoccupied with the whole tests and notes that I must always count on. Not very exciting, but I can say but that I all the tests, presentations, etc. have survived until now very good.
Halloween (31.10-1.11) :
Halloween is really big in North America. And when I say big, I mean really big! Three nights, three different parties and always the same costume (notice my red socks):

Yeah I climb pretty much here. The McMaster University even has a climbing club and we make almost weekly trips to any rock climbing areas. I was already at three different places and it was always very nice: The first trip took us to Niagara Glen bouldering for climbing without a rope that is in jump height. Super beautiful area with fantastic Boulder rocks! The second trip we went to the "Rattlesnake Point," went to the top rope climb, throw and so climb down rope so:
Wednesday, 11.11 to Saturday 14.11 - Killarney Provincial Park
Ok, actually I would have Uni, but I am an Exchange student, so sometimes fast three days skip college and take advantage from the north to perhaps the last opportunity in this to year, a little hiking. Nic, a Canadian know I've learned about climbing, and I are in the Killarney Park went to the "backpacking" and I can tell you it was just indescribable
I will not continue to rave about the park, because words can not describe it, almost. But pretty good in pictures: (follow the link ...)
Killarney Provincial Park Pictures
Rattlesnake Climbing pictures (simply follow the link ...)
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