Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Here and in the open list, both citizens was published several times ...
Monday, March 7, 2011
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What do you think of this structure as a theoretical Abbreviation: 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3
forces with the diverter Black almost a transition in the Philidor defense, no matter whether white with Nf3, Nc3 f4 or continue. Here at the club me an opponent is preparing to significant problems, after visiting this seminar GM Hickman.
White of course has more space and thus prospect slight advantage, but it occurs mostly a very typical middle game position has the black best viewed at home. This also applies to positions in the natural 4.dxe dxe 5.Dxd8 + Kxd8, I was this clean pushed together.
I am therefore currently looking for something snappy for a chance to open and embossed tactical game, it would also put a farmer in the business. Any ideas?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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Friday, March 4, 2011
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h ttp: / / www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/0, 1518, . 748,886.00 html
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Today I have my "Blog-Tag" and I'm doing hard time - and not for the first time not that I would not get along with the targeted topics and I feel the current issue or previous issues as unimportant would therefore have difficulty motivating. No, this is not the reason! My difficulty stems from the fact because I see that important issues are not necessarily of interest. Why is that? Are we all become so jaded that only issues for us and things "cool" and are interested, if it is "left right" new, dramatic or tragic, funny or are they? That people
hungry every day, have millions of people lack access to safe drinking water, (not only) have to beg and exploited orphans, etc. attracts no more from behind the stove.
How many are interested, for example, next week begins the week of the orphans, and we do so aware of the fate of the orphans do? Is it for the readers of interest that we support more than 1,200 orphans and alhamdulillah have built so far 3 orphan centers ready, one is under construction and another planned? This is probably of little interest, as that it is a "Like-click" on Facebook "earned" would have.
way: My topic for today was the theme of "Wali . This is someone who uses himself as protector, advisor and supporter for orphans. I wanted to mention the wonderful way that you can help as well with small, regular amounts Wali orphans by muslims offer a better future can ( http://www.muslimehelfen.org/kampagne/woche-der-waisen/spendenformular.html ). Then I wanted to write, why you do not help Muslim orphans "choose" can.
Such thoughts I wanted to reaffirm support of some Koranic verses and hadiths and. But I wonder halt "the still interested in someone?"
Perhaps this is just me saying that I was not the content of my blog may represent interesting enough and I'm really not able to convey the importance of my topic ...
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Thursday, March 3, 2011
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WerbeimtwitternaufLeerzeichenverzichtethatdeutlichmehrPlatzfürseineAussagen.AllerdingsleidetderLeseflusssehrdarunter.Aberirgendwasistjaimmer 18 minutes agoHat Frank schon immer gesagt: http://blog.frankhunck.de/
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Apple - amazing company that 14 years ago was on the verge of bankruptcy, and now defines a vector development of the gadget industry. If anyone knows of Hanover, is now attending exhibition CeBIT 2011, which represented almost all the giants of the computer industry, but all the media attention and the public was riveted to Apple, as its new product - iPad 2 - will be another benchmark in the pursuit of that after some time, many will flock подражатели.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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We have now been the leases for the season 2011/12:
game for every 9 days, we have a conference room and Hemingwaytreff from 13:30 clock - 20:30 clock reserved.
Kudos to the City Hall administration!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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The Youth Training is now every Saturday from 14:30 clock - 16:30 clock place in the conference room of City Hall Friedberg. In a major event in the conference room, it could happen once that we have in the Hemingwaytreff. This is in 2011 but vstl. only on April 23 the case.
In the summer holidays to take place but we will pause, ie the last youth training on 18 June and then we will be after the summer holidays again on Aug 13 . Start
The Youth Training is conducted by Udo Wallrabenstein and / or Frank Paulick.
We look forward this Saturday (March 5) start again with the weekly youth training can be. Frank Paulick will lead this youth training.
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http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0, 1518,748349,00. html