Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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Here and in the open list, both citizens was published several times ...
Monday, March 7, 2011
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What do you think of this structure as a theoretical Abbreviation: 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3
forces with the diverter Black almost a transition in the Philidor defense, no matter whether white with Nf3, Nc3 f4 or continue. Here at the club me an opponent is preparing to significant problems, after visiting this seminar GM Hickman.
White of course has more space and thus prospect slight advantage, but it occurs mostly a very typical middle game position has the black best viewed at home. This also applies to positions in the natural 4.dxe dxe 5.Dxd8 + Kxd8, I was this clean pushed together.
I am therefore currently looking for something snappy for a chance to open and embossed tactical game, it would also put a farmer in the business. Any ideas?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Saturday, March 5, 2011
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Friday, March 4, 2011
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h ttp: / / www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/0, 1518, . 748,886.00 html
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Today I have my "Blog-Tag" and I'm doing hard time - and not for the first time not that I would not get along with the targeted topics and I feel the current issue or previous issues as unimportant would therefore have difficulty motivating. No, this is not the reason! My difficulty stems from the fact because I see that important issues are not necessarily of interest. Why is that? Are we all become so jaded that only issues for us and things "cool" and are interested, if it is "left right" new, dramatic or tragic, funny or are they? That people
hungry every day, have millions of people lack access to safe drinking water, (not only) have to beg and exploited orphans, etc. attracts no more from behind the stove.
How many are interested, for example, next week begins the week of the orphans, and we do so aware of the fate of the orphans do? Is it for the readers of interest that we support more than 1,200 orphans and alhamdulillah have built so far 3 orphan centers ready, one is under construction and another planned? This is probably of little interest, as that it is a "Like-click" on Facebook "earned" would have.
way: My topic for today was the theme of "Wali . This is someone who uses himself as protector, advisor and supporter for orphans. I wanted to mention the wonderful way that you can help as well with small, regular amounts Wali orphans by muslims offer a better future can ( http://www.muslimehelfen.org/kampagne/woche-der-waisen/spendenformular.html ). Then I wanted to write, why you do not help Muslim orphans "choose" can.
Such thoughts I wanted to reaffirm support of some Koranic verses and hadiths and. But I wonder halt "the still interested in someone?"
Perhaps this is just me saying that I was not the content of my blog may represent interesting enough and I'm really not able to convey the importance of my topic ...
Rüstü Aslandur muslims help
Thursday, March 3, 2011
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WerbeimtwitternaufLeerzeichenverzichtethatdeutlichmehrPlatzfürseineAussagen.AllerdingsleidetderLeseflusssehrdarunter.Aberirgendwasistjaimmer 18 minutes agoHat Frank schon immer gesagt: http://blog.frankhunck.de/
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Apple - amazing company that 14 years ago was on the verge of bankruptcy, and now defines a vector development of the gadget industry. If anyone knows of Hanover, is now attending exhibition CeBIT 2011, which represented almost all the giants of the computer industry, but all the media attention and the public was riveted to Apple, as its new product - iPad 2 - will be another benchmark in the pursuit of that after some time, many will flock подражатели.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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We have now been the leases for the season 2011/12:
game for every 9 days, we have a conference room and Hemingwaytreff from 13:30 clock - 20:30 clock reserved.
Kudos to the City Hall administration!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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The Youth Training is now every Saturday from 14:30 clock - 16:30 clock place in the conference room of City Hall Friedberg. In a major event in the conference room, it could happen once that we have in the Hemingwaytreff. This is in 2011 but vstl. only on April 23 the case.
In the summer holidays to take place but we will pause, ie the last youth training on 18 June and then we will be after the summer holidays again on Aug 13 . Start
The Youth Training is conducted by Udo Wallrabenstein and / or Frank Paulick.
We look forward this Saturday (March 5) start again with the weekly youth training can be. Frank Paulick will lead this youth training.
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http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/0, 1518,748349,00. html
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Monday, February 28, 2011
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The Hessian women's individual championship in 2011 in Gross-Gerau played with four players in the chess players in the Friedberg-C tournament. Furthermore, three of our guest players were there.
Here are the results: C-
tournament with 18 players:
6th place: Sonja Wallrabenstein with 3 / 5
10th place: Larissa servant with 2 ½ / 5
12th place: Maja Wallrabenstein 2 / 5
16th place : Liubov Rasciupkina with 1 ½ / 5
Our guest players achieved the following results:
2nd place (after random battles): My Linh Tran with 4 / 5
6th place: Clara Victoria Graf with 1 / 5
B Tournament:
6 . Place: Carol Diener with 2 ½ / 5
The next Women's Individual Championship Hesse on 24 and March 25 at the community center Dorheim instead.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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Moscow, MSU, 1979.
along the cliff, in the precipice, on the very edge
I whip lashed his horses, - drove, -
Something I air little breeze drink fog swallowing,
I feel, with disastrous delight - ruined, ruined!
little slower, horses, little slower!
you do not listen to a tight thong! But
that some horses I have got choosy,
and live not in time, I did not have time to finish singing!
horses I have satiated,
I dopoyu couplet, -
a little more stand on the edge! ...
Sginu I, me feather the hurricane will sweep with palm,
And sleds will lead me to gallop through the snow in the morning.
you to go a step slow, my horses!
a little bit, but extended the path to the final resting place!
little slower, horses, little slower!
ukazchiki not you whip and lash.
But something caught my horses fastidious,
and live I could not, I have no time to finish singing.
horses I have satiated,
I dopoyu couplet, -
a little more stand on the edge! ...
We had - on a visit to God there are no delays.
So Well where angels sing these evil voices?
Or is the whole bell went with sobs,
Or I'm screaming horses, so as not to bore so fast sled?
little slower horses, a little slower!
I implore you not to fly off at a gallop!
But something horses I got choosy,
Kohl did not have time to live, so even finish singing!
horses I have satiated,
Я куплет допою -
Хоть мгновенье еще постою на краю ...!
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Friday, February 25, 2011
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The Prophet (s) and his companions were aware of the importance of supporting orphans aware and knew also the large reward. Both the wives of the Prophet (s), as Other companions often competed with each other in this sense that we want to mention some examples here.
Hamza (ra), the uncle of the Prophet (s) who protects him and strengthened the Muslims had was killed in the battle of Uhud as a martyr. The daughter of Hamza, Umama was thus to become an orphan. Zaid Ali Jafar and to take as their closest relatives, competed to the orphan girl in her care, and so to be among the lucky ones that house an orphan in their home. (Ibn Sayidinnâs, II, 32)
The Prophet (s) once remarked that anyone who donates a Dattelgarten for orphans, as a reward in a garden Paradise is obtained. Then bought a companion named Ibnu'd-Dahhaha a Dattelgarten and donated it to an orphan child. The Prophet Muhammad (s) expressed his joy. (Waqidi, Maghazi, 1 / 281)
Aisha (ra), wife of the Prophet (s) took over the care and upbringing d his daughters of their late brother Muhammad and also took care of other Bel in these girls were married to them. She reported the Prophet (s) once was to her a Widow and her two girls came, and because they no longer even possessed, she was able to give a single date. The Prophet (s) noted then that because of the Verso pply Allah make these children a shield against the fire for a will. (Bukhari, Muslim)
You can see by these examples that across from the Fellowship for the help he orphans ground took the example of the Messenger of Allah (s) an important role in their lives. They believed not only to the statement that the Prophet (s) they had indicated, but they le b th they their time , which states: "'I and the one who provides a orphan be in paradise to be." And the Prophet this pointed with his index finger and middle finger by making it slightly different spread. "(Bukhari).
Rüştü Aslandur, muslims help
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Funny Comments To Write On The Cake For Birthday
City Hall administration has kept its word and provide us with new leases. The leases for the youth training were still present but this is because that we have not yet agreed internally on the times we do in the future, the youth training.
Here the leases are as follows:
team matches (both 13:30 - 20:30 clock):
Mar 13: Conference room, third Hemingwaytreff
April: Conference Room
May 8: Konfernezraum and Hemingwaytreff
practice on Saturday (all 14:00 - 19:00 clock):
second April - 16 April in the Conference Room in the April 23
30th April - 18 June in Conference room
20th August - November 26 in the conference room
Sunday, February 20, 2011
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Deimante Daulyte has won yet - so we now have won 4-2 and play next season in the 1 Frauenbschachbundesliga. Now we celebrate! Hopefully we can make it back to Friedberg. :)
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Adriana Nikolova made the 3.Brettpunkt - we are now 3-2 against White Blue Alliance Leipzig. Thus, we have risen to the 1.Frauenbundesliga - no matter how the game of Deimante Daulyte proceeds.
Now it would be the icing on the cake even complete the season with 14:0 points when Deimante win or draw!